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You are here: Home > NewsDifferences between API 5L PSL1 and PSL2 standards

Differences between API 5L PSL1 and PSL2 standards

Posted:2018-08-07 10:56:17

API 5L pipeline steel pipe is used to deliver oil, steam, water, etc. to the oil and gas industry pipeline. Pipeline includes seamless steel pipe and welded pipe two categories, katalor currently used in the pipeline of welded steel pipe with SSAW, LSAW, ERW.

1, PSL is the abbreviation of product specification level. Pipeline product specifications level is divided into PSL1 and PSL2, it can be said that the quality level is divided into PSL1 and PSL2. PSL2 is higher than PSL1, these two normative levels are not only different in inspection requirements, but also have different chemical composition and mechanical properties requirements. Therefore, when ordering according to API 5L, the terms of the contract, apart from the usual indicators such as specifications and steel grades. You must also indicate the level of product specifications, that PSL1 or PSL2. PSL2 in the chemical composition, tensile properties, impact energy, non-destructive testing and other indicators are strictly PSL1.

2, PSL1 does not require impact performance, PSL2 except for x80 except for all steel grades, full-size 0 ℃ Akv average: longitudinal ≥ 41J, horizontal ≥ 27J. X80 steel, full size 0 ℃ Akv average: longitudinal ≥ 101J, horizontal ≥ 68J.

3, the pipeline should be done by the hydraulic test by the branch, and the standard does not provide for non-destructive generation of hydraulic pressure, which is also the API standard and our standard a big difference. PSL1 does not require non-destructive testing, PSL2 non-destructive testing by one by one.

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